
We provide resources for vendors, governments and others who are building, learning about, or promoting digital government services.

Technical Resources

GovSpecs on Gitbook

Review the technical specifications that define each GovStack building block.

GovTest Sandbox

Learn about creating and testing government services in our digital Sandbox.

Public Administration Ecosystem Reference Architecture (PAERA)

Learn how GovStack and Enterprise Architecture practices interact and can be combined in Digital Government.

Use Case Simulation

Get a feel of a real-world scenario “unconditional social cash transfer" in action.

Issue Log on Jira

Review active work being completed on Building Blocks in the Jira Issue Log.

GovStack Playbook on GitBook

Access the step-by-step guide on incorporating a Building Block approach.

Compliance Platform

Test a given software product for compliance against our functional requirements (GovSpecs).

Digital Impact Exchange

Browse Use Cases, Building Blocks, Products, and RFPs related to GovStack.

eLearning Platform on Atingi

Learn more about GovStack's new learning platform on Atingi.

See how Leverist facilitates collaboration between private sector & development cooperation.

Gender-inclusivity at GovStack

Women in GovTech Challenge

The first cohort master the necessary skills to accelerate their GovTech careers.

Gender Inclusive Service Design Whitepaper

Describes tools, approaches and best practices for gender-inclusive design.

Sustainability at GovStack

Green GovStack

Learn how GovStack support environmental sustainability efforts.

Green Data Center Guide

Download the practicioner's guide for a sustainable digital transformation

Sustainable Public Procurement

Download the guide on circular and sustainable public procurement

This just in! Check out our latest GovSpecs publication