Building Block Software
GovStack develops technical specifications for digital Building Blocks in working groups that are open to all experts in the respective fields. Please note that GovStack is product-agnostic. This GovStack Market place features both proprietary and open-source software solutions that have been proven to cover the functionalities of one or multiple Building Blocks. GovStack does not promote one product over the other and thus, the order is based on the submission dates of the products.
The list is a simplified view of the overview page of the GovStack Testing App.
What is Building Block Software?
Software that has the functionalities of one or multiple Building Blocks. Building Block Software is fulfilling the (non-)functional requirements of GovStack Building Block Specifications.
The list of Building Block Software eases Governments the market research, selection and procurement of suitable software solutions according to their Building Block architecture.
How is compliance to the GovStack specifications measured?
The GovStack Building Block Specifications are the benchmark against which compliance is measured. Compliance is measured in three categories: Deployment, Functional Requirement and API Service specifications.
The compliance results rely on a self-assessment compromising of a manual Fit-Gap-Analysis based on the list of requirements stated for each Building Block and an optional API Testing Harness is can be executed to test and proof compliance to the API service requirements.
To offer a quick reference point, we defined two thresholds of compliance. Once software achieves at least Requirement Specification or API Compliance category level 1, the software gets listed:
Level 1 Compliance: Software requires considerable integration efforts. Software is partially aligned with the GovStack BB Specifications.
Level 2 Compliance: Software requires minimal integration efforts, if GovStack infrastructure and CI recommendation are followed. Software is highly aligned with the GovStack BB Specifications.
Criterion | Level 1 | Level 2 |
Deployment Compliance | ||
Deployability via container | ||
API Compliance | ||
Fulfillment of Service API requirements | >=1 | All |
Fulfillment of REQUIRED API related requirements in the Architecture BB specifications (ch. 5.1-5.4, 5.6, 5.13) | Optional | All |
Requirement Specification Compliance | ||
Fulfillment of REQUIRED cross-cutting requirements stated in the respective BB specifications | >50% | >90% |
Fulfillment of REQUIRED functional requirements stated in the respective BB specifications | >50% | >90% |
How can I submit a compliance assessment of my software?
a. Get aware and assess relevance
- Inform about Compliance Process (you are here)
Select matching Building Blocks to own Software Product
b. Conduct and publish self-assessment
Conduct either one or all of the compliance checks: (you may follow Instructions for Software Requirements Compliance )
Deployment Compliance: Fill in form with link to container and documentation
Interface Compliance: Provide report of the executed test harness (guidance on Steps to check compliance against a GovStack API spec )
Requirement Specification Compliance: Fill in form with conducted FitGap Analysis
Submitting one of the above creates a Jira Ticket, notification that ticket is being created.
Wait for verification of submission regarding completeness and plausibility by GovStack Team (Track via Jira Ticket)
c. Offer your Software
Once software achieves at least Requirement Specification or API Compliance category level 1, the software gets listed on with the degree of compliance and a link to the full report on