What’s the simulation for?
The simulation provides a holistic learning experience on the GovStack approach and Building Blocks through an exemplary use case. It offers interactive elements and feedback to guide users through each step of the use case, and can be shared with colleagues to support the decision-making process.
The Building blocks you’ll see in the simulation are only exemplary and do not contain any logic. If you want to have detailed info about certain building blocks, please check the Digital Impact Exchange in the simulation itself.

Example Use Case
Social Welfare Use Case: Unconditional Social Cash Transfer
It’s based on a real use case, but with a fictional government. This interactive prototype explains the usage and implementation of the Building Blocks and the Digital Impact Exchange as key GovStack principles.
Step 1:
This section provides an overview of a citizen’s eligibility for benefits, which can be accessed by civil servants.
Step 2:
The citizen and civil servant communicate and take actions such as requesting missing information.
Step 3:
This section demonstrates how payment options are used to enroll for awarded benefits.
The two perspectives and their tasks
During the simulation, you’ll experience a context and perspective change between the civil servant and applicant. Each of them have to fulfil certain tasks.
Civil Servant
A civil servant is a government professional who works at the local or federal level.
- Verify case requirements and budget
- View overview of cases and information page
- Assign benefits to citizens
The user represents a citizen or resident who is eligible for benefits.
- Apply for unconditional social cash transfer
- Check and update any missing information
- Choose a payment option and interact with the support chat as needed.
Why is using building blocks sustainable for digitalization?
GovStack aims to break down the barriers to building sustainable digital public infrastructure and help governments create human-centered digital services. This interactive use case simulation can help you understand how the building blocks work.
When governments digitalize, they often reinvent the wheel. GovStack breaks this cycle by promoting the use of interoperable, generic, and reusable building blocks to digitalize any service.
- Reusable software components
- Applicable to multiple use cases across multiple sectors
- Interoperable with other ICT Building Blocks
- Designed for scalability and extensibility
- Facilitates one or more generic workflows