Digital Leaders Spotlight:, Peru

A finalist in the 2023 WSIS Digital Service Design Special Prize, is the digital platform of the Peruvian State that guides citizens in the access and use of procedures and services of the different public entities, in a simple way and in a single place.
Developed in accordance Supreme Decree 033-2018-PCM , is defined as the Unique Digital Platform of the Peruvian State for Citizen Orientation, aims to close the gap between state and citizens. It is administered by the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, through the Secretariat of Government and Digital Transformation, with individual institutions updating the content and updating of the information found on the institutional pages.
- One stop shop for government services with over a billion visits in 2020
- Exponential growth in traffic since 2017, with over 1 billion visits in 2020
- One of the top 10 visited sites by Peruvians
- Covid-19 platform offered through has served over 19 million visitors
Note: all statistics are from the submitter, and have not been independently verified by GovStack
With a variety of government services housed in different institutions, citizens faced difficulty easily completing government procedures. In addition, public officials faced silos.
Starting by working to better understand user needs, the team worked to develop a simple tool that is clear, concise, and easy-to-understand. After identifying user needs and developing the prototype, extensive prototyping led to a tool that the government was able to promote. Promotion was made easier by ensuring that they offered a valuable service – which attracted users through its ease and utility. The continually updated, in combination with carefully designed user interfaces, has resulted in a service that is used by millions of Peruvians.
Key components of digital service
- Digital Registeries - keeps the information updated: identity documents, positions, position, etc.
- Identity and Verification – To identify users, credentials consisting of a (unique) email and a security password are used. Users are integrated with all digital services of the Secretariat of Government and Digital Transformation, where the same user can access various platforms and services according to the level of access assigned.
- Information Mediator – APIs that can be integrated by other platforms based on credentials provided and obtain public information registered in such as news, reports, legal norms, campaigns, etc.
- Security – Implemented the google captcha to avoid brute force attacks, use AWS – WAF and APIs against bots and attacks that consume resources. Monitor and protect against DDoS attacks and monitoring agent. A VPN to control connections to the server.
- Consent Management – User policies control the actions that can be performed by each user according to their access role. In addition, certain information which can be shared by citizens.
- Messaging – Messaging services through e-mail. Notifications are sent to officials of the entities about any activity carried out in the CMS; additionally, we have implemented social networking components in the institutional pages of public entities.
- Analytics – Use tools like Google Analytics
- Client Case Management – The platform has a ticket management service, which is evaluated by the PO, who prioritizes the request and assigns the intervention, according to the corresponding area of attention.
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SDGs and WSIS Action Lines addressed:
3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all 4: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all 10: Reduce inequality within and among countries 16: Promote just, peaceful and inclusive societies 17: Revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development | AL C1. The role of governments and all stakeholders in the promotion of ICTs for development AL C2. Information and communication infrastructure AL C3. Access to information and knowledge AL C4. Capacity building AL C5. Building confidence and security in use of ICTs AL C7. ICT applications: benefits in all aspects of life — E-government AL C8. Cultural diversity and identity, linguistic diversity and local content AL C9. Media AL C10. Ethical dimensions of the Information Society |