Introduce package

Provides an overview of the GovStack approach, tools and methods. Participants receive a proper high-level presentation and a comprehensive overview of all open-source offerings: Specs, SandBox, Playbook, Compliance Testing, Prototyping Tools, Open-Source Digital Products GovStack compliant for Consent, Identity, Information Mediator and Payments BB. These digital products and the use of emulators provide a testing environment for rapid prototyping of digital government services. 

Who's this package best suited for?

PAERA + Icons (1)

Policy makers

Working on digital transformation of government services
PAERA + Icons


Organizations looking to comprehend how the GovStack approach
PAERA + Icons (2)

Tech experts

Or software providers looking to comply with GovStack

Gain an understanding of GovStack

  • Approach
  • Tools and methods
  • Implementation Playbook
  • Specifications (Specs)
  • SandBox
  • Expert Track
  • Knowledge Hub in Atingi
  • Community Engagement Activities

Activites included in the package

Preparatory Phase
  • A 30-minute initiation call is scheduled between the GovStack Team and the interested party. 
  • Clear written communication is provided outlining the expected outcome and the level of understanding that the GovStack introduction aims to achieve. 
Implementation phase

A 1 hour joint workshop is conducted 

  • The GovStack team delivers a 30-minute presentation  
    • Management from ITU and GIZ provide a High-level introductionITU experts present the Architecture overview Introduction to the Sandbox is provided
  • A 30-minute Q&A session is held, with optional joint brainstorming on next steps if requested.  
Post-Event phase
  • The GovStack team follows up with all necessary information. 
  • Contacts and presentations are shared as required. 
  • Further communication is undertaken if necessary.  

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