UX/UI Event

UX/UI Event
Aug 8, 2024

Participate at our UX/UI Event if you are interested in joining our UX/UI Working Group!

In the first publication of the GovStack UI/UX Guidelines (Q4 2023), the UX/UI working group developed proof of concept Service design good practice guidance and a UX/UI Design Pattern library,. These were influenced by our experiences, expert feedback, and global service quality standards.

For the next phase of the GovStack UX/UI working group, we have identified objectives and activities based on expert feedback and gaps/opportunities identified during the development of the current guidelines. Key discussions and presentations, such as at the Creative Bureaucracy Festival 2023 and workshops with the NExT-Community and International Design in Government Community, have provided valuable insights.

 We now would like to relaunch the working group to test, iterate and further develop our content with a broad group of contributors.

 If you are interested in joining the UX/UI Working Group attend the UX/UI event on September 24th, or October 4th 2024 by signing up to the form below!



24 September at 14:00-15.30 CET OR

4 October at 09:00-10.30 CET



Online – MS Teams – Invite will be forwarded after your form submission below



Introduction to GovStack & ways to contribute

Break into groups based to learn about the 3 streams of the working group:

  1. Testing and learning
  2. Iterating the guidance
  3. Developing new patterns

Playback and wrap up

Join our UX/UI Working Group!

(please include the full name of your organisation)
Which workstream are you interested in?(Required)

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